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Bitless riding

20 17:18:50

I have read the notification and have a question. I have seen many of your videos and think you are one of the best out there. My husband and I don't use bits either and usually ride with a rope halter side pull. I am considering a bosal but have never used one and have no experience with them. Instead of being a total idiot and using one with no training and using it incorrectly, (I don't want to hurt my horse or give the wrong communication) I was looking for one of your videos that might give me some information. I didn't see one though. I am just not looking in the right place? Can you give me some direction? Thanks,

I have a page on my site about bosal and rope halters, I stopped using bosal since a rope halter does the same job and is less likely to be harsh on the nose, if a halter or side pull works I would not go to bosal, but if you can ride in halter or side pull you can ride in a bosal.