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Gypsy cob who eats all the time during hack

20 17:44:12

hi, i have 2 lovely cobs one an irish cob and the other, who this question is about, Arthur the gypsy cob.

I bought Arthur from a local horse market in the UK called Ashford Market.  He was in quite a poor state physically and it was as if his sole had been broken.  I put my other cob with him the next day and they just hit it off and have been best pals ever since.  

When i bought him i was told he was ride and drive but i don't think he had a saddle on before because he reacted a little to the girth but got over this after a couple of times.  

He has quite a strong character.  he's not nasty but can be pushy and doesn't respect your space like my other horse.  The real issue is that he will eat when i am riding him.  He has got a little better when i'm on his back with the grass but when we ride along the road he will constantly go to the verge to eat.  Today i took him out and he was in quite a spooky mood and me being 3 months preg decided to get off and walk after an hour as was shattered.  When lead he walks off in front of me and i have to keep turning him in a circle and he constantly pulls down to the grass and he's so strong!  by the end of the ride i felt shattered and just so frustrated with him.  i really don't know how to be.  Ive been stern with him but it's like he's such a tough old thing he just ignores me!  My other cob is the complete opposite and such a sensitive gentleman. Arthur just makes going out for a hack such hard work.  i myself have had horses all my life but never experience with schooling.  Putting grass reins on him work for the grass below his feet but not the hedges!

Any ideas?!  thank you for your time


Hi Hannah!

My first thought is that while you are pregnant, you should not ride AND especially not ride such a disrespectful horse.

You have not established a dominant authority with him yet.  He is taking advantage of you somewhat mildly now but, I guarantee it will escalate and could become dangerous to you.  It always does with these types.  They tune you out in the beginning but, later they just want nothing to do with you and decide to dump you anyway they can.

You need to establish yourself as Boss Mare and get through his thick head you are dominant.  This cannot be achieved through you training him from the saddle.  This starts with solid, consistent groundwork.

For more information, Google Monty Robert's "Join-Up" method.  This works on horses of all ages but, must be done correctly.  You did not say you were longeing him, but this is exactly what he needs.  Not to just run in circles but, to use this longeing time to do specific exercises that communicate to him your authority and to cement your cues/aids.  This will all carry over to when you are in the saddle, if you do it methodically and correctly.

Lastly, if you are still muddled over how to carry on, ask your vet, farrier, tack shop or local Pony Club chapter to recommend a Pony trainer.  Have the trainer out to evaluate your situation and hire them to help you work this guy on a strict and consistent schedule.
Your cob will not just magically start listening to you.  You must establish the rules and MAKE him be obedient.  Then, once you have his mind and his hooves following you, all other issues will dissipate.  Such as eating when being ridden.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
