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Adopting a BLM Wild Mustang

21 8:54:26

I have always been a horse lover and finally have the chance to adopt one.  I have read many books on the subject, spoken with many people who own and HAVE owned horses, AND voluteered with the local BLM Wild Mustang and Burro program.  I am still wondering if there is a tried-and-true way of knowing if horse-ownership is a reality or dream.  There is a lot of responsibility, somewhat like the training of dogs that I do as a hobby, high costs and so much unknown.  Is there a checklist that I should know about?  Is there a good or not-so-good age to adopt?

Hi Tina,
            There is no tried and true way to know. When I purchased my first horse I had money for the horse and one month worth of board. I could not even afford a halter. I made it work. I am not going to lie to you. You need to be willing to at times to give up other things so that you can afford things for your horse. The costs can be high but the love you get from a horse is priceless. Make a list of what things you could do without. Also make a list on what it might cost you to have a horse. Things like board, farrier, vet costs for things like shots and wormers, tack, supplements. Compare the costs and go from there.

If you are a first time adopter then I would go for a 1-3 year old gelding as they can be more malleable.
