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my horse molly is being a bruutt!!

20 17:27:18

hi, i recently got a horse molly; 14.3, 5, grade, sorrel; from a summer camp i go to after my horse kinleigh had to be put down. she used to be so well behaved, now all she does is charge, buck under saddle, bite when doing the girth, and just being bratty. i feel like it's something i have done, but i don't know how to fix it. i love molly to death but i have no idea what to do; under saddle i try to push her through bucks and make her move; but my patience tries me and i think that is the problem. i get so aggravated and i yell and smack her when she's bad. please i hope you can help:)

Hi Morgan

Thanks for the email and I hope I can help.

Firstly I would say is get your saddle checked to make sure its fitting properly, and then get Molly's back checked to make sure its all correctly aligned. Most bad behaviour  when saddles are put on is because there mght be underlying pain, through a back problem or badly fitted saddles.

I can understand the frustration, believe me I have been there and its not nice eally, BUT there is someting we can do  to help.

Firstly stop riding Molly...........get yourself a good book on groundwork, Parelli or Monty Roberts have great inexpensive books that are easy to follow and bring great results.   Play some games with her, make it fun and tthen start again backing her, when she does not do as  you ask her to, then just breathe slowly and sop and then start again, you might have to make her do this time afer time  BUT the moment she does do it then lots and lots of praise and fussing, give yourself small goals to acheive   this is easier than setting yourself a target that you will have trouble getting to, small steps are better than huge leaps!  Never ever smack her, if ou feel yourself getting to that point just  slow things down and ask for something you  know she will do willingly, always end the lessons on a positive note never ever end it because she misbehaves..................f you do that then she will take the advantage very time, its going to be a long process and yes you will be frustrated, but it will be worth it in the end.  Remember Molly is still a baby  to some extent, and she needs  to be treated gently at this stage in he life, a little extra effort now will pay off  when she is older.  If theres anything else  you need help with then I'm alwayas here.

Good Luck  
