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Nervous Pony

20 17:26:20

Hi I recently bought 2 very nervous pones aged 6 and 7 who have been badly treated, I have managed to handle one of them but the other I can not get near he is in the field with another pony of mine who is very friendly.  How do I get his confidence

Hi Sue,
I wish I could explain everything to do to train horses online but I can't. My best suggestion for you is not to work on getting his confidence, work on getting him curious about you. Whenever you see him looking at you be sneaky and walk away, go visit your friendly pony with some carrots and don't try to build a relationship with the new pony right off, just get him used to you being around. Then when the opportunity arrises to give him a pet give him one but quit and walk away before its too much for him. Soon he will be curious about you and like being near you because you don't make him feel pressured.
Best Wishes,
Caitlin Day Huntress