Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Agressive Jenny

Agressive Jenny

20 17:44:59

I had a VERY TERRIBLE experience yesterday. I have had two jennies for 1 year (miniture and standard), both expecting babies.  Yesterday the minature gave birth, but had my husband and daughter not been at home at the time, for sure the baby and possibly the minature would have been killed by the standard jennie.  After 5 hours of holding off the standard jennie by 8 adults and struggling to move the minature (that had fought for her and her baby's life) to the barn we saved a very sweet baby named Lucky and her mom.  I am now looking for another home for the standard, because I am afraid she will kill the baby.  Everyone who I had spoken to who raises donkeys had recommended I leave them in the pasture to give birth, because they felt it would be okay. What would have caused this aggressive behaviour?  They had traveled in tandem all the time in the pasture and appeared to be good buddies.  

Hi Melanie!

I cannot help you as I am not familiar at all with this behaviour or donkeys/mules in general.

However, there is an expert on this site under the catagory "MULES" by the name of Sue King and I just bet she would be of more service to you.

Good luck
