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I have a Stud and a Gelding

20 17:20:21

I have a Stud of 10 year.  A 4 yr old gelding.  My stud has been out with other geldings before an my gelding is typically the low man in the field.  I just moved to a place they can share a field but the stud (cash) was getting along the first two days but now he is beating my young man up ...pinning his ears charging him biting the poor guy is scared in to a corner of the field while I'm not there to mediate ...any suggestions to make them get along??? please help

Why do you have a stallion?  You need some VERY harsh words and you are going to get them from me.  If you do not even know how to answer this question and why this is happening, you should NOT own a stallion.

Your horses are just doing what horses do.  They have no structure, no leadership from you.  They may form a bachelor herd or the stallion will kill your gelding.  You have set your horses up for failure.  

Call the vet and have the stallion gelded, today.  You have no business owning an in tact breeding animal.  Stallions in the wrong hands are dangerous.  No only to you, other horses but anyone that may be around them.  This is NOT how you keep or treat a stallion.  A good stallion in a proper working environment with a knowledgeable handler does NOT do this.

You need a wake up call and you just got one.  Call the vet.  Do the right thing by your horses.  You should NOT be breeding!!!  Are you completely unaware of the the slaughter issue in this country and the huge number of UN-wanted horses being sent to the kill pens every day???!!!!  Good Grief!!!!  A good gelding will always be worth more than a mediocre stallion any day of the week. There are VERY few horses that deserve to remain stallions, period.  

Call the vet and after he is gelded, you should see some changes in about a month.  Next you need to work on your horsemanship education.  You are missing quite a bit.  Check out the Ground Work DVD by Buck Brannaman.  Read and watch everything by Ray Hunt.  Check out Buck, Joe Wolter, Peter Campbell, Tom Curtin, Bryan Neubert on line and get to a clinic.  They will give you and your horses the help you really need.