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flighty Belgian

20 17:20:21

Hi I have a now 7 yr old Belgian Draft horse gelding and it is always scared and bolts away whenever new people come to the farm. We frequently have people coming to the farm. We rescued him 6 years ago from a abusive owner. At 1yr old he was 500+ pounds underweight, the full winter coat was still on him in the middle of June, manure up to "knees", full of worms, and had never seen daylight. We have been treating him and training him but he is always flighty like our other Arabian stud. Whenever he is with me he is more content and mellow but when I'm not there he bolts from everything. Although once he was attacked by a pack of 8 pit bulls (strays) about 2 years ago. Ever since then he has been skittish and hard to control what can I do?

Sydney, you need a wake up call.  You didn't read any of my past answers, you haven't done any research or homework and your horsemanship education is sorely lacking.  You have take on a huge project in handling a draft as well.  The are powerful animals that require a very knowledgeable owner/handler.  

Forget the past.  Stay in the moment. Yes, bad things happened but you have done nothing to help this horse.  You help your horse by educating yourself and becoming a horsewoman your horses can trust.  I'm going to point you in the right direction, but the rest YOU have to do.  

Why have you waited 6 years to do something with this horse???  Why do you have a stallion???  Good grief!!!  You are in need of some VERY harsh words and you are going to get them from me.  

Here is what you can do...educate yourself, geld the stallion, now.  You have two horses with the same issues, it is NOT the horses it is you.  Get to a clinic with Buck Brannaman, Bryan Neubert, Tom Curtin, Peter Campbell, Joe Wolter.  Get on the web and search their schedules, one of them will be near your.  Talk to their sponsors and they will help you find someone in your area that will give you the hands on help you and your horses SO desperately need.

Watch Buck's "Ground Work" DVD and you will clearly see what you are missing in basic horsemanship.  Go to Ray Hunt's website and order and watch every last DVD they offer.  When you do this you will clearly see all of the wonderful things you are missing in how to help your horses.  Get busy.