Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > problems


20 17:43:39

age: 24
riding: 14years
mare kept at pasture in summer with many other mares
my horse is 11 and iv had her for 10 1/2 years. since moving to a busier yard where she is kept in a field with many other mares in the summer, she is very resistant to coming in. however, this summer has been an absolute nightmare. she will usually come to me when i shout on her, is very pleasant and friendly, however as soon as you put her head collor on she rears, bucks, turns her bum and reverses trying to kick me, she can launch at me with her ears back. iv tried so many different things, iv spent hours and hours with her, talking to her, reasuring her, iv beentough on her, iv went in with a lung rein and tried to lung her up however it becomes impossible without getting up as the field is on a hill and she finds a way to go for me. i find it very disheartening that she seems to have no respect for me after all these years iv run out of ideas and it is becoming a real chore. any help would be much appreciated.

Well, after all these years you have taught her that she can do these things and you will not stop her.  So she is being a normal horse.  All horses, no matter how long in a herd, they will always try to move up in the herd.  You and your horse is a herd of two.  You have to be alpha, top horse, the one in charge.  Your horse will only see you as that if you make her move her feet from.

Read my horsemanship page on my site, pay close attention to the herd behavior section.
