Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > my horse has a major behaviour problem

my horse has a major behaviour problem

21 8:56:09

Hey, i need your help. My horse is a 16.2HH, Dappled Grey Gelding quarter horse, he's 8 years old, i've had him for about 2 years now. See my horse has a major behaviour problem, he doesnt trust any people or other horses, when he was a baby his owners mistreated him and he's never liked humans since. He was also kicked many times by horses in a show ring when he was two, developing his mistrust for horses. He is wonderful to ride and he can jump 5-6 feet, and i would love to bring him to trillium shows, but whenever he goes in a show ring he bites, kicks, rears and basically goes insane, ive fallen off him many times trying to show him, it almost seem like nothing can ever help him.  I always feel so embarassed when people compliment me on my beautiful horse and they reach out to pat him and he bites them. I love my horse so much, he's just got such an attitude towards everything..

Can you help me? please...i need some advice about this

thankyou, Kristy

Hi Kristy,
              Have you had his vision tested to make sure here is not a problem with it that could be causing him to act out at shows? Regarding his problem with other horses I would find a baby sitter type horse for him that will bond with him. Also send an e-mail to and you will get a copy of what is called the bonder  This will help you get the respect of your horse. Depending on the extent of his abuse he may never totally get rid of his fear of people but you can help him by slowly introducing him to things he is afraid of. Bring him to a show and just let him listen to the noises and watch the other horses as they are in the ring. As he gets more comfortable with the noises and other horses over time then ride him between classes. As he becomes less nervous I would then enter him in a small class and see how he does. If at anytime while you are doing this he gets overly upset just go back to the last step that he was comfortable with. You can also see about putting him on calming herbal supplements to see if they help.