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I need advice for my horse

21 8:55:49

Hi. I own a 4 or 5 year old horse (sorry cant remeber how old my horse is). We are like best friends, we have a very strong bond. When I ride which i usually only walk and trot we do very good. But everytime I push her into a lope she will keep bucking until she throws me off. I lounge her with a saddle on before I ride her so I dont think it's a health issue. So if you have any advice for me please help.
Thank You

Hello and thank you for your question.

The first thing that comes to mind in what you are describing is back pain, and before you try to find any other cause, you need to get a vet out (or a chiropractor) to look at your horse.

I know that isn't a lot of help and probably not what you wanted to hear, but that is the number one cause of bucking in horses.... back pain.