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Please Help! I need some advice on my horse.

21 8:55:49

Hi, ok. My horse and I are like best friends, we get along great and when I ride her just walking and trotting we do good too. Well everytime I nudge her into a lope she bucks untill she throws me off. But I lounge her with the saddle on before I ride and she lopes and gallops so I dont think it's something causeing her pain. So what can I do to help her stop bucking me off everytime I try to get her to lope.
Thank You

Hi Georgie,
             It sounds as though she is experiencing pain when she lopes. It could be that she is ok before the added weight of a human is put on her. I would first try another saddle on her and see if you have the same results. If you do not and she is still bucking you off when she lopes I would then get her checked out.
