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My little girls back

21 8:54:46

My 8 year old quarb mare is having some back issues. We thought is was colic but she only behaves like she is colicing when her back is out. we put her on moody mare to help her stop flinging her which is wat put her back out to begin with but now we don't know what it is. I rode her yesterday and put her on crossties while i went to the bathroom like always and when i got back she was laying down. we can treat it but what is causing her to put her back out. Any ideas? please help.

Hi Hannah!

My first suggestion is is have her seen by a vet.  She should be thoroughly examined for back issues but, also tested for EPM or other blood related diseases.

I do not think swishing her tail put her "back out".  But, the tail swishing could be her showing you she is in pain.
She should definitely NOT be laying down in the crossties after riding her,  So, you should stop riding her until a vet clears her health completely.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
