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My Little Girl! 3

21 8:54:47

My horse is the best thing in my life. She is great but i have a problem with trail rides. She was fine with one or 2 other horses but then one day, like ten people at the barn were going on a trail ride. We got out there and the other horses started acting up and then she got so bad that my trainer had to take me back to the barn. Now, everytime i go out on the trail, she tries to run and play. I can't handle her. I've tried different bits, but she is a Quarb and flings her head and takes the bit. I get so afraid that when i finally stop her, i just walk her back to the barn. Please help me.


Hi Hannah!

You did not say your horse's age or how long she's been broke.  You did say you have a trainer and while I do not like to infringe on another's trainer's territory....I will still say my opinion.

I will guess that both of you (you and your horse) have gaps in your education and that you may be feeding off of each other's anxiety and for lack of a better word, ignorance.  This can be fixed.  I would stop taking her into situations where either of you feel uncomfortable and really work on building up on what you know.  Lots of groundwork, longing exercises where you can get her to do all 3 gaits on voice command including collecting and extending...with an emphasis on "WHOA!"  You just think it, she does it.

As for a tack change, I cannot say as you really didn't explain what she was in and currently in.  Your trainer should be able to help you there, though.

Then get on her back in a safe, enclosed arena and repeat what you did in the longing exercises.  All the while your trainer should be riding the mare also and correcting and cementing the good behaviors.  You did not say she did anything dangerous. So, I feel with just some real thought on your part and a lot of repetition for your mare.... both of you will have the best riding partner ever!

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
