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making friendship with shy horse

20 17:20:36

shy horse
shy horse  
hello ma'am, is this the correct way of making friendship with a shy horse in the stall. i tried to touch a horse but it was headshy, so i sat down, it was so eager to sniff me, when i touched its muzzle slightly,it didnt shy. slowly i got up.

My suggestion is as follows.
When you go into the stall, stand so your side is to the horse. Do not stand with your chest facing the horse. Look down toward the ground a little and not directly into it's eyes. Hold your hand out with your palm down. If the horse turns to face you or reaches it's muzzle towards your hand, turn and walk away. Keep doing this until the horse finally reaches out to touch your hand. Walk away. Horses are naturally curious and will want to continue to investigate and smell you. Soon you will be able to reach out and touch and pet the horse.