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anxious/bucking horse - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:19:44

I've had my 4yr. old pinto mare for a year now, she has spooked and tossed me 6 times. This last time we were with visiting horses in our feilds and i was asking her to lope, when she bucked me off. I was hurt pretty bad/nothing broke. Since i was hurt,my husband and my friend rode her the next few days so she'd see she has to ride without bucking, but as soon as they trotted or asked for a lope, she bucked them off too.
 So, i took her to a trainer and he said i made her anxious by asking her to lope and that she's not ready for that yet.
He also said she's deceiving as she's kind,calm and rides nice if everything is ok, but if something surprises her, or makes her anxious, she's unpredictable/dangerous.
 We were supposed to be with the trainer for 4 days, but he said he couldn't fix her overnight and that I was too nervous so he bacically pulled the plug on us.

NO shit, this question screams of lack of knowledge of horse. I would not work with you either. Let me tell you what really happened and not what your poor sense of reality thinks happened.  The horse did not spook and toss you 6 times, YOU did prepare the horse and spend enough time ground work and sacking out the horse so it is not confident with you and sees you as a fool that it should trust or you will get it hurt. It bucked you off since you can't ride and you are not a good leader and the horse does not respect you and does not think you know what you are doing.  I agree with the horse.  

The bucked from fear, pain for bit, and lack of proper training, after YOU taught the horse to that it could get the stupid human off it's back by bucking, you reinforced that 5 other times, so now YOU have trained the horse buck good. Since you did not see or know what you were doing, you decided to put other people on the horse to show and teach the horse that it could get other dumb humans off by bucking. Hell, you should work for Rodeo training new bucking horses, you are doing a really good job at it.

The trainer said YOU made horse anxios, lol no shit, if I was a horse and had people jumping on me, pulling on a bit, hurting me and thinking they are smart and tough and then I knew I bucked them off to get them to leave me alone, I would do the same thing.  YOU don't think this way since you have no clue horse thinks and you are too busy being a smart human think you are can train or ride a horse.  Guess what, this horse is telling you that you don't know what you are doing and that he does not have to listen to you and YOU are telling the horse he is right every time you fail.

As for the trainer saying the horse is deceiving, that tells me the trainer is not too smart either.  Horses don't deceive that is a human trait not a horse trait. The is clam with you leave it alone and don't do stupid things to it or push it too fast or try and make the horse do things it is not ready for.

Asking me this question tells me you know nothing about me, you have not read my site and have not watched my videos. It tells me you are in a hurry, running around looking for an easy answer. That is why you are failing with this horse.

Watch my video on what I learned from Rick Gore Horsemanship and read all the comments. After that you can decide to be pissed off at this answer or you can get busy invest time and learn about a horse so you can be safer and help your horse be the horse you want, YOUR choice.

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