Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > new 6 month old fiilly being aggressive to 14 yr old gelding

new 6 month old fiilly being aggressive to 14 yr old gelding

20 17:57:10


I just bought a 6 month old filly, she is quite gentle and sweet to me, but slightly aggressive toward my 14 yr old gelding. My gelding is my baby-I have had him since the day he was born and he and I have a very loving and respectful relationship-that's how I trained him. His mother died a little over 2 months ago at age 24. This was exceedingly hard on him and myself. That's when, after 2 months of grieving and re-acclamation, I bought this 6 month old. The first day in the pasture with him she was loving and sweet. The next day she started biting and kicking at him. He doesn't understand this behavior due to his mom being the only horse he's been around. My question is-is she just setting her dominance as the only mare in the field or is there possibly something more? If I stand between her and him she will not be aggressive, but as soon as I leave the area she goes after him (especially at feeding time).  If you could give me some advice on why she might be acting this way and some possible behavioral modification techniques that would be incredible! I'd hate to have to sell her if she can't get acclamated to my other horse, because she really will be a fantastic horse!

Hi Mareta,

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.  You and your gelding are both suffering and I feel for you both.  

I think you are right on the mark with your assessment of your filly.  She thinks she has to come on pretty strong to hold her own with your very large, in her eyes, gelding.  I'm sure he does not have a clue what her problem is and I'm sure he is a bit bewildered.  Poor guy!  

I would separate them when feeding them.  No need to set up a struggle.  Your filly is a little spitfire and may well run rough shod all over your gelding.  I would also give them a little more time in separate paddocks or adjoining pastures before you reintroduce them.  They just need more time to establish themselves as a herd.  They may not be close and loving like the gelding was with his mother, however, the filly will come to know that she is part of your herd.  Just give it time.  I have had new horses come into my very tight knit community and it has taken 18 very long months for the established herd to accept the new member.  I always keep the new kid in a round pen that is inside a small pasture.  I can then allow the rest of the gang in to the pasture to get to know the new arrival.  You just have to be sensitive to the needs of the horses and what the individual personalities are.  I have a gelding that just prefers to hang out on the edge of the herd.  That is just the way he likes it.  He knows he belongs and feels secure, he just likes more space.

Spend a good deal of time watching your filly.  She is going to make changes as she grows and matures.  Count your blessings if she is more bonded to you than your gelding.  A good independent spirit makes riding out alone a gift and a blessing.  Go with what she is offering.  Your gelding may like his independent time too!  No competition for your attention!  

Mareta, observe, compare and remember.  Adjust to the new situation and your horses needs.  It may take a year or more for things to gel, so be patient.  

Keep me in the loop!

Smiles!  Denise