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pasture sour, bucking, and locking up

20 17:44:18

QUESTION: My horse has all of these problems. I go to the field and he runs wasy. When I get him into the round pin he locks up and won't move, even trying to turn his head and putting my heels to his side for pressure. Last, I know he is proud cut and when he goes by a mare he starts locking up again bucking. He is fine until, well simi alright, you get on him. He is 10 years old and I want to work with him but need help!

ANSWER: Hi Redonda!

Before I make any recommendations, I'd like a little more information.

What is your gelding's breed?  How long have you owned him and what do you use him for?  What was he used for prior to your purchasing him?  What is your experience level and how often do you work him? What are your long term goals with him?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I believe his is part mustage and part Arbain due to his looks and how he holds his tail. Just like an Arbain. I was told he was used for trail riding previously but given his personality problems I believer that may be a differenct story. I just would to trail rider first and if he can tollerate barrels I think he would be good. I try and work with him every day but sometimes its a day or two before I get back out there. I just want to be able to enjoy riding him and not have him be so spooky or flightish.

Hi Redonda!

It sounds like to me you need some real on-hands help.  I can't do much for you over the Internet.

See if you are working him consistently (which it appears you are) are not doing it correctly, you are both wasting your time.

The very first thing you need to do is dominate him and assert your place in his mind as the one and only leader.  By dominate, I do not mean hitting him with a 2x4...I mean you are the Boss Mare of the herd and he has no choice but to obey you.

This is missing from your relationship with him.  And until you establish dominance, nothing will get better, in fact it will only get worse.

Speak to your vet, farrier or tack shop and ask them to recommend a local trainer.  Have the trainer out to your place to evaluate your situation and discuss your goals.

I would stop riding him and work on your dominance with him.

You need to properly longe him daily, not just running him in circles but, doing specific exercises that show him you are in charge and to cement your cues with him.

You are just jumping on him and riding him with no plan or goal.  He knows this and considers you an annoyance, a roadblock to what HE wants to do.

You must slowly build a foundation of real communication with him... that allows you to tell him exactly what you want and he understands, he does as you ask.

Get a trainer to help you.  Be firm, be patient and be consistent.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
