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Rearing when leading from the field

20 17:22:58

My 17.2 20 yr old gelding has starting rearing and pulling away from me when i lead him in from the field,nobody will help as they're scared of him.As soon as he sees me walking to bring him in he starts galloping around & pacing at the gate (he's in individual paddock)as soon as i start to bring him in he rears (even with a Chiffney bit) and at times pulls away from me.As soon as he can see his stable he calms down.He only does this in the winter - he stays out 24x7 in the summer.

Hi Jo,

You'd think they would get quieter with age, wouldn't you!!!  Sounds like he's just eager to come in for his tea.  A simple solution is to use a controller headcollar (not a Chifney, not keen on them) and when he starts to get agitated, turn him and walk him back to the field.  When he settles, lead him back to his box.  This should help him to settle down and chill out.  

Don't worry, my 24yr old arab mare still has mental fits....almost every day!  

Hope this has helped.

Emma xx