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my broodmare

20 17:22:59

hello i have this broodmare that is pregnant right now but after she foals and has weaned i would like to train her to the point where i can ride her she is around 8 or 11 but she has been in a pasture all her life and just foaled so basiclly a baby machine. but since we got her she has gentled and we can now get near her and pet her without her running away and we were wondering if i could eventually be able to ride her wether it be bareback or with a saddle. and i need some help, so do you think this goal is acomplishable with her being so old? and if so any suggestions? i have no clue where to start.
                             thanks so very much, sam w.

Of course you can, any horse can be trained at any age.  However the odds of someone doing it who does not know how is very hard and most fail.  Like most all failure with horses it is the people that cause the failure not the horse.

Read my entire web site and watch all videos so you understand a horse better, then at least you will give the horse a fighting chance.