Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Mini Burro

Mini Burro

20 17:46:57

QUESTION: I have had a  little burro for about 2 months now.  I had him gelded about a month ago so he'd make a nice pet.  Last week h e kicked me and seems to getting more aggressive.  I can't even go in his pen (about 1/4 of an acre) without him racing towards me with his ears down, or rearing up when he comes around.  I am getting so I don't like him any more but don't want to give up on him.  I have never had larger animals and am not sure where to go from here.  Do you have any suggestions?

ANSWER: Hi Sheri,
         I have a few questions so that I can try to help you better. How old is the donkey? Was he ever used for breeding? What is he fed?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is 8 months...never used to breed...and I feed him Futura, a grain and mix some oats with it.  I give him about 2 cups in the morning and 2 cups at night and also make sure he has a mineral lick, fresh water, and hay b/c it's cold here in TN now and there is no grass left in his field.

What type of hay do you feed him? He is looking at you as though you are a fellow donkey pal rather then the head of the herd. Right now he is testing you to see who is the boss and also he wants to play with you. I would first cut off all grain as donkeys do not need it. When you go into his pasture or pen, bring a lunge whip with you. If he runs at you then use the whip as an extension of your arm and strike the ground hard. If he kicks at you then use the whip If he kicks at you then use your whip to hit him on the hind end and yell no. This is what his mother would do. Do not feed him treats from your hands as this can teach him to bite. For now you might also want to make hs pasture smaller as that will give you more control over the situation.
