Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Mr. Fearless

Mr. Fearless

20 17:58:42

Dear Leigh Lovell,

             Hi =] I have a 17 year old, rodeo retired quarter horse (FireBond Skeeter). He does anything and everything you ask and is bomb proof which is not the best thing right now. The gators around the trail (since their breeding time is about now) come and sun in the middle of the trail. I was racing with one of my trail friends and their was nice, little, sleeping gator stretched out in front of us that i didn't see since i was yelling where i was turning to my trail buddy. then he just did this huge jump and kept galloping with his ears foward and was relaxed. I stopped him and and apparently he jumped right over the lil gator w/o a second glance. I'd rather not have Skeeter jump over anything alive, you know what I mean? It might just be the fact that we were going too fast to stop on a dime or that he didn't relize what it was but i don't think its the best thing?

                             Mrs. Fearless (lol) Cait

Hi Cait,

Congratulations on having such a genuine and kind horse.

I personally would say thank you to the horsie god who gave you this wonderful gift.  Isn't your boy jumping the alligator better than stopping dead and you catapulting over his head and right into the alligator (and possibly becoming lunch)?

I think the best course of action is to avoid the trails that the alligators use as sun lounges and ride responsibly - that is don't race and watch where you are going.

I think you should go out and give your boy a big kiss on the nose.  Most people would give their eye teeth for a lovely horse like that!!
