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head throwing

20 17:18:59

My mare has started throwing her head so I cant get the bridle on, she just recently started this.  She is very stubborn and doesn't like to work what can I do to stop her?  She was throwing her head so badly she knocked me in the head with her head. Thanks Susan

Ouch! So sorry that happened to you. well, if you cant put the bridle on, then that means you cant get a tie down on. So this is the next best thing that I can think of, since the problem only seems to be in putting the bride on and not the halter put the saddle on first make sure its fastened and everything, using a tie down clip, the piece that reaches from the tie down piece that goes on their head and the synch, and clip it to the halter and the synch. Make sure it is tighter than usual, so there is little risk that she can start throwing her head. Let her try to throw her head if she wants, but she can't get out of this one.

It also sounds like you may have an issue of making her put her head down, and I also have a solution to that too, if that is the case. with the halter on, doesn't matter if you have anything else on her or not, with one hand holding onto the rope the other will be reach behind her head and just between her ears. I usually start this with my foals and yearlings because its a bit easier to teach to them since they are so short. There's a squarish bump right between there ears which is sort of like a pressure point, make a claw out of your hand and place all of your fingers around that bump and start pushing down. most horses fight against it and that why you have your other hand holding the rope, just incase they try to turn their head out of it. If the horse lowers her head release the pressure. repeat this as many times as you want and pretty soon your horse will start putting her head down before you even start putting pressure on her. This might also solve your head throwing problem, but I would make sure the tie down piece is on first.

Good luck, and I hope this helped! If this didn't help go ahead and give me a bit more info to better your chances of getting an answer that will help.