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Horse Bending to Left

20 17:57:07

We are new pony owners, have had our 14.2 quiet mare for 5 months with no problems at all.  She is quiet natured and sensible and we hack and jump.  On our last lesson the horse did not want to canter or jump but we persevered, she stopped at one jump and basically ran into it, after that the lesson went down hill.  Our quiet girl will now hack out in a walk quietly but the minute we try to trot or canter her she veres off to the left, it takes all our strength to get her to straighten up and she does not want to go the other way at all.  I have checked her mouth which looks OK, there was a small red area but I've been told this would not affect her behavior in this way.  Do you think she may have hurt her back with the jumping ?  Are there any tests I can do myself to try to find what the problem is.  She is such a laid back girl normally, just turned 5 and something is obviously really bothering her.
If you have any ideas please let me know it would be much appreciated.

Hi Kate!

You have only 2 choices for such an abrupt change in behavior.  A medical problem or a mental problem.  She should be checked by a vet just to rule out dental issues and of course if there was any kind of trauma/accident recently, the vet should be told.

Barring any real physical problems, she has a mental issue.  I know you said she was sweet and quiet but, have you just not noticed a slow but, definite downhill slide of her obeying you?  Ponies are famously noted for having an evil streak.  Oh, they go along and seem fine BUT!  Once they discover you are a pushover and there are never any real consequences to their disobeying...they just get worse and worse.

You have owned her a very short period of time and she is pushing her boundaries, wondering just how much work does she really have to do?

Talk to your vet, farrier, tack shop or local Pony Club and have them suggest a trainer who specializes in ponies to come out and evaluate your situation.  You need a little help to get your pony hooves back on the right path!  :-)

You do not have the tools to correct her or you would not be writing to, hire someone who does to help you out.  Spending a little time and money now to build a real partnership with your pony will give you 20 more years of wonderful riding!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
