Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Cowboy


20 17:43:02

Hi my name is Kimberly and i have a 19 year old Appaloosa/Paint cross gelding named Cowboy and we have been haveing problems with his feet.They chip and break off so easey and half of his hoove has fallen off.We have tried jelitin biotin adn all kinds of hoove lotions and hooves hardners from out vet and horse shoer.Every vet that we have takin him to said that we couldnt find anybody better to trim him then our horse shoer we have now.But he has been out the last 3 years because of his feet.Well around the beginning of summer he ridable and he can hold shoes but then after a couple weeks of riding half of his hoove falls off again and hes out again for a year or 2.I didnt know wat els to do with his feet i was wondering if u had any advise about them  for me.Thank You


I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with your horses hooves. I am not a nutritionist, but I'd suggest talking to one. Many of the larger grain/supplement companies (Farnum, Purina, etc.) have nutritionist you can speak to on the phone and they might be able to suggest a specific product for your horse. I am sorry I can not be of more assistance, this just isn't my area of exertise. I do have one suggestion, that would be to put some boots on his hooves, when he does lose a shoe, to help keep his feet from chipping, there are some wonderful new light-weight ones on the market, that can be purchased online.

Best Wishes,
