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riding club 2

20 17:21:48

hello ma'am, this is an other riding club where polo is also taught here. here, riding is taught on thoroughbreds, no marwaris as i mentioned in the previous question. these are the video links about the club. take your own time, dont get fed up of my questions, dont be angry on me, suggest me whether should i learn riding from this club or the club which has all marwari horses and asked you  in the previous question?

NOTE: i am waiting for perfection. i dont have any intention to trouble and confuse horse experts. dont take me wrong. i'm like your student. want to achieve something in my life

I am MUCH more impressed with this other riding club.

The horses seem "happier", which they are when ridden better, and the riders seem to be in better balance,

Compare the trots and canters with those of the first school.
They are more collected and better balanced in these tapes.