Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > A CRAZZY MOVE!!!!!!!!!

A CRAZZY MOVE!!!!!!!!!

20 17:44:03

QUESTION:         Hi
 I have a 12 year old mare and i was out ridding her today and she did this move my friend's horse does. Its like they put theit head down and jump and then buck. Right now it os not big but i am a little worried that it will get worse. i carry a crop but i just got over her tossing up her hills in the late winter early spring so i didnt what to hit her and her buck expeshialy science i was bare back and had a halter and a lead line attached to both sides. i have done it a thousand times before and she has neaver done anything. i am not shure if it is pain or her being stubern

ANSWER: Hi Savanah!

Before I recommend anything I'd like to ask a few questions.  How long have you owned her?  How often do you ride her?  Do you longe her before riding?  Everytime?  Is this Western riding?  Did you have spurs on at that time?  Do you always ride in spurs? What were you doing when she bucked?  Upward or downward transition...or was she just walking?  Was this in the arena or out on trail?  By yourself or with another horse?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

        I have had her for 3 1/2 years. No i didn't lung her. she normaly is fine if i dont. no i dont where spurs because i squeaze to much over the jump if i am nervouse or if she is just slugish that day.from that u probably understand that ride english. When it happend it was 2 days before a local 4-h show and when i whent to the show i hadn't ridden her after the frickish move so i whent early and rode in the ring and she did perfect. the other day when i was shwing her to my 6 year old cousen she did it again but this time i think i pulled a mussel in my upper thigh. i tryied to tell her that that is unexeptable but i couldnt stand the pain. she is a great pony.
Savanah :)

Hi Savanah!

It sounds to me like your mare has too much energy and needs to be longed before you ride her.  I know it's easy to just tack her up and ride....but, sometimes you have to take the extra time to properly longe her first and then ride her.  This will help to burn off any extra energy and get her to focus on you and get her mind on riding.

Make sure you are not feeding her too much.....if she is over-weight and under-exercised...that is very bad for a horse and will make them snarky when you ride them.

You've had her long enough to know each other pretty I would say just make sure she has worn off all that extra energy before you ride her  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
