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21 8:55:41

I have a 9yr old OTTB whom has been off the track for 3 years.He was formally owned by a young girl whom had no problem with him. I was then asked to foster him.I did.The adopted him.Where he being kept,every one says he is good horse but I sometimes see different.He does not like to be touched.So grooming is one big chore.I cannot work with him and will not fight with him.We have started Clicker at the suggestion of some of the other owners.
Do you have answer or suggestion that might help?

Thank you

Bob Carpenter

Hi Bob!

I have owned several OTTB's over the years and they do tend to be "thin-skinned".  Sensitive to touch, flies love them and they get big welts from them easily.  So, your guy is probably  like this but, also he might have a different attitude towrds you because you are a man.  The track is full of harsh men and horses rarely forget anything.  A young girl was not threatening, but you may be.

You are absolutely correct about not fighting him or resorting to force.  It will not work for you, only against you in this situation.

You do not mention any other issues, so I will assume this is the only problem you have with him right now.

You are on the right track with the clicker.  It makes you stand close to and spend quiet time with him based on positive re-inforcement (food) and allows him time to realise you are not a rough track man who only cares about doing things quick, not right.

You need to gain his trust and when you do, well, you will be rewarded richly.  TB's are so loyal and loving towards their humans....once the relationship has been established.

Keep trying with the clicker, quickly reward a positive step towards you and be patient.  It can only happen on your TB's timetable.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helemt!
