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unfriendly stall horse... what do i do?

20 17:45:58

My mare was previously abused before i bought her. The thing is, she is a nice girl when she is out of her stall, but as soon as she gets in her stall she pins her ears, tries to bite, kick and intimidate you to get you out. Even if i am standing outside of her stall, with the gate closed she will stick her head out, her ears back and she will try to bite anyone standing near her, especially at feeding time. I don't think this is very safe because she has gotten people before, myself included. I don't know how to solve this, but it really needs to be solved. Please help me!!!

Thank you!


Hello Alyssa,
I have known several horses with stall related issues. First I would try to hook your mare up with several other mares to turn out together, go ahead and let her be out with other alpha mares- she needs time to be a horse and eat with horses etc. I would tie a plastic bag to the end of a stick and start a new game. Go into the stall (or outside the stall) and shake the stick in her direction, she will probably turn away-get a little worried etc. Keep shaking the stick until she even thinks of looking at you with her ears up (even a little bit up). STOP SHAKING AND BACK UP! The new game is that when she makes a face she say's "GO!"  and you shake your stick and act weird! When she looks at you with her ears up she has the power to stop you and back you up. Soon she will look at you with ears up to get you to give her space. Then you can slowly step in and pet her, always watching her expression. This makes the wrong thing difficult and the right thing easy.
Be patient and have fun,
Caitlin Day Huntress