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Defiant Pony Problem

20 17:31:28

My 8 year old daughter's pony has started taking terrible advantage of her. He ONLY does it to her. She rides him huntseat in a slow twist snaffle. When he decides he doesn't want to listen to her, he jerks the reins so hard, he pulls her off over his head! (he jerks his head straight down) He also will jerk her one way if she wants to go the other. She has taken numerous falls over his head. Other than this, he is a very sweet pony and well trained. Any suggestions? We have tried having other people ride him, but he only does it to her. Thanks for any advice!!!

Hi Lesley,

Sounds like you have the typical smart little pony on your hands. I have a young son and his pony tries the same thing. My suggestion is to buy some anti-grazing reins (also referred to as grass reins and daisy reins). Basically they attach to the saddle and run up along the horses neck to the pole and then clip down to the bit, preventing the pony from pulling the reins out of your daughters hands or trying to graze. They really do work great and you can find all types online very reasonably priced. Often times after a few rides with the grazing reins, they'll stop trying it altogether. I would suggest, getting her used to them by lunging her first, you don't want to use them on a pony that has any tendency to want to rear up.

Best Wishes, Jen