Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > leads?


21 8:54:31

Hi! i have a Quarter horse Arabian Cross named A Blazing Image. She is only 7 years old. i bought her from a woman who kept her in a field with a goat for 4 years and she didn't get ridden much. she is really bright but we are having a lot of trouble getting the right and left leads down to a science. when i got her, her back was out and we had it fixed. she started to learn them then she had another back problem. now, it's like she is afraid that it will hurt when she goes into the lope or canter and i'm only 14 and she is my first hores, so i don't really know what to do with her. my trainer helps sometimes but usually i ride alone because she concentrates on me instead of everyone else. please help. do you have any suggestions?

Hi Hannah!

You are very young to be taking such a difficult task on.  I think your trainer should teach the horse her leads and then teach you how to ask for them, until your mare does it automatically.

This is a hard thing to train a horse to do and if you try to yourself, you could accidently make things worse.  Besides, isn't that what trainers are for?  And if the trainer can't do it, get a new one who can and one who can teach you things as well.

You said she had back problems.  She should be seen by a vet for that and see if it really is interfering with your cantering her.  It could just be that she does not understand what you want because no one ever taught her well enough.  Are you sure you are riding her correctly and asking her with the correct cues?  Sometimes riders confuse a horse and they don't even know it.

Talk to your parents and then your trainer and concentrate on your mare's education.  See if she really understands what you are asking and that you are asking for it correctly.  Then, everything will fall into place.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
