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basic exercises for my horse body

20 17:21:36

QUESTION: hello, what all basic exercises i need for my body to be fit enough to learn riding? i am 64kgs. but very weak.

ANSWER: Tai Chi, other martial arts, yoga, running , walking, fencing....

Many horse people are very fit because they work so hard keeping their horses stalls clean, grooming them, cooling them out, etc.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ma'am what type of martial arts would you suggest me? i mean, can i learn karate basically? can i keep working in the riding club for free of cost?

I have no idea about arrangements you can make in your riding club to work.

Any of the martial arts will help.

Tai Chi is especially recommended, however.

Anything that gives you strength through your core, your center, and increases balance, will help you in riding.