Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > 2 year old colt charging me and trying to strike out with forlegs

2 year old colt charging me and trying to strike out with forlegs

21 8:54:24

My 2 year old just started acting like this.  I don't know why.  He is a standardbred and has been cared for his whole life.  I am only 13 but i have been around many horses.  I know this is a dangerous behavior, how do I stop it?  Also he really doesn't act like this all the time and I have never let him get away with it,  how do I stop the charging and striking?

Hi Jill,
             I would geld your horse if you are not going to use him for breeding and get him to a professional trainer. His issues as you said are very dangerous and there could be medical along with other reasons for it. I would not want to guess. Please keep me updated.

