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finished horse

20 17:38:36

I have a 3 1/2 year old registered 1/4 horse,(mare). At what age, or stage of training is a horse considered finished? Hope this isn't a stupid question. thanks, Ron

Hi Ron,

Thanks for your question. To some degree, I don't ever consider a horse finished...I think their education (much like our own) can always be expanded and fine tuned. However from a sales point, if I were to classify a horse as being "finished under saddle", that horse would be riding smoothly in a bridle (one handed if it is a western horse), would be able to pick up all gaits (walk/trot/canter) from a standstill, turn on the haunches and forehand, sidepass/two track, perform a lead change at the lope/canter, and be quiet and respectfully enough under saddle that a variety of riders could enjoy the horses. I hope this helps.
