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shetland biting and chewing.

20 17:24:15

i have a 1 year old shetland who keeps nipping me and chewing any thing he can.
he's only recently started biting and nipping and im new to horse ownership and i'm learning every day.
so is this just he's age? as he's only just a year old and he's a lovely boy loves attention and rubs around he's ears and belly, i just don't want him to pick up bad habits at a young age.
he seems to chew he's stable, the wooden fence on the field, my arm and any thing he can really.
do you think this has any thing to do with he's teeth?
look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Danielle,

I would suggest a yearling shetland is not the best first horse you can get!  Has he been gelded, as he'll be starting to feel his hormones working if he hasn't...if you aren't sure, get your vet to check.  

Paint the wood in his stable/field with Crib Stop Liquid, the taste is disgusting to horses, and I have used it with great success in stopping biting of stables/wooden fencing.  When he nips you, say NO in a firm tone, or OI, just to shock him, he has to learn that this behaviour is unacceptable.  

A short, sharp tap on the side of his muzzle if he does try to bite, accompanied by NO, should put him back on the straight and narrow.  Shetlands can be hard to handle, so the sooner he learns to respect you as his 'herd leader' the better.

Good luck and I hope this has helped.  If there is anything else I can help you with, then please do feel free to contact me.

Emma xx