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Moving my Horse

20 17:43:08

I am interested in your thoughts and suggestions. I need to move my 26yr old Paint from his home of more than 12+ years.  He has not been trailer'd since he was moved there and, due to a physical injury I suffered almost 8 years ago, he has not been ridden (since my injury.)
He currently has a companion in his pasture - and they have been together for years. I dread separating them but need to do so because I am moving out of state.
I am moving him to a small, 2 horse barn where the owner of the barn would like to occasionally ride him in exchange for some of the board $'s.  My concern is how do I get him back to being used to being ridden? Any suggestions on where to even begin?  
He's my baby and I don't want to do anything to upset or unduly stress him out.  Someone suggested I start with a copper bit since his mouth is probably so soft right now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
thank you  


What a wonderful home you have provided for your horse! He will be okay wihtout his friend, just give him some time for adjustment. As far as getting him used to be ridden again, I'd spend a month or so doing some ground work, lunging, working him in a round pen, with and without a saddle and bridle. Just build up some muscles and get him supple before you get back on. Also be sure to have his teeth checked before you ride him again and confirm the saddle and pad still fits. As horses age, their muscles along their back and croup drop, so you may have to adjust a few things. If you had a specific bit you rode him in before and that he was happy with, I'd go back to that. I bet he'll pick back up, right where you left off, horses don't forget as much as people think.

I hope this helps and have a safe move.
