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head tossing

21 9:19:53

hi, i have a four year old arab x welsh cob she is fab in every way apart from her tossing her head every now and only seems to happen when she starts to sweat.the first hour out riding nothing then all of a sudden it will start.ive had dentist teeth are fine.i have started using a standing Martin gale but i don't think that this is the answer.please any help i would be extremely grateful

Hi - if this only occurs when she startes to sweat, I would look for something with her headstall/bridle that bothers her.  Does she toss her head constantly once she starts, or just a couple of times as if she is getting things settled on her head?

My mare sometimes starts to shake her head too - I haven't figured out anything other than her headstall bothering her.....

Also - I personally dont think that adding something like a Martingale would help - if she isn't doing the head tossing as an act of defiance, it could do more harm than good....

I hope this helps - please feel free to ask any more questions!