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21 9:47:25

what can i do to prevent my 19 yo gelding from repsonding to mares in heat.  he has never done this before & has just started & it is causing other behavior problems when just with other geldings?


I suggest you get your vet out and draw some blood.  Given his age I suspect he's got something going on, possibly Cushings, that is causing this.  Get a complete blood panel on him, find out where he stands.  You may have to start him on some sort of medication.  Lots of geldings respond to mares in heat, but it's not generally something they start after years of having no issues.  That's why I think something is going on with his pituitary gland and Cushing's affects the pituitary.  But your vet is the best person to start with to determine what is causing this behavior and how best to counteract it.  

Older horse do face health and wellness issues that need to be addressed to ensure good health as they age.  I hope that you have a relatively simple solution here but have no way of knowing.  

Good luck!
