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21 9:19:55


I recently acquired a saddle made by Hess & Hopkins of Rockford IL and found it to have an aluminum tree I am wondering how common it would be and maybe an estimate of its value or really any information you might have as I can find none

Thank you

Byron Light

Dear Byron,
I don't pretend that evaluating the market value of old saddles in exactly up my alley but I can tell you that there is nothing terribly unique about an aluminum tree. They were very common after WWII and the Korean Conflict- evidently due to a surplus of cheap aluminum. The problem was that being soft- they tended to have stress fractures and to pop rivets.
The Hess & Hopkins company went out of business in 1960 and they made principally working ranch saddles (go to for an article about the company. If you go to you will find a Hess&Hopkins saddle - better tooling than yours and generally in better condition that sold for $495.
Frankly- the antique saddle market appeals to a fairly narrow section of society. If your objective is to sell it- try listing it on Craig's List at a realistic price- it is not a unique piece and is not rideable I wouldn't want to apply the stresses of riding to aluminum tree that is at least 50 years old.) Unless it has some kind of provenance- as in: it belonged to a famous person or appeared in a film or TV show and you could PROVE it- then you might set a higher value. IF you can find the right person- you might get a few hundred dollars for it.
Hope this helps,
S. Evans