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New Horse Owner

21 9:20:01


Our Beautiful New Mare
Hello Judi,
Yesterday, our first horse (a 22 year old QH - Palomino mare) was delivered to where we are stabling. She had been transported 8 hours and seemed great upon delivery. The man who delivered her (a friend of the previous owner) trimmed her hooves before he left, as he is a professional ferrier. Yesterday, when he was trimming the hooves, everything was fine and she lifted her hooves when asked. Today however, when I was cleaning her hooves, she refused to lift her hind left leg (looking from the front). She raised it a little bit but almost as if she were about to kick. When we looked at her at her home ranch, she was more than happy to let me clean her hooves then and now I am puzzled. I have read that the hooves can be sore after a trim and I am just wondering how to proceed. The people that we board with are very experienced horse people and I am going to ask them about it tonight but until then I am looking for a second opinion.
Specifically, I am wondering if I should be concerned? How long should I wait to consult someone? And finally, should I consult a ferrier or a vet?
Thank You - New Horse Owner from New Mexico.

Hi Siobhan!  Congratulations on your new mare!  She really is very cute :)  I bet you're doing just fine and hopefully the barn owners were able to ease your mind.  I bet that this mare was just a little unsure of what you wanted which may sound crazy.  Believe it or not, very slight differences of exactly how you stood or how you moved your hand or shifted your weight could have been just different enough from how her previous owner did things that she was hesitant.  Also, after 8 hours in the trailer, she could very easily have been a bit sore.

I think you're just fine and I'm sure after handling her over the next several days, you will both begin to develop a much greater understanding and bond between you ... this is so exciting and I'm so happy for you.  You are embarking on such an amazing journey :)  Please let me know if I can be of any other help okay?
