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saddle laid correctly

21 9:15:14

saddle laid
saddle laid  
hello Lyn, is this saddle laid on the horse correctly? i am not understanding how to lay a saddle on the horse. can you guide me out please?


It looks to be a little too far forward.  The front of the saddle tree needs to fit into the pocket behind the horse's shoulder blade.  Put your hand under the saddle in the front and pick up the horse's front leg and draw it forward a bit.  You'll feel how the shoulder blade moves.  You want the saddle in a position to not hamper the movement of the shoulder blade.  Looking at the saddle you want the girth to fall a hand span behind the horse's elbow, again so that it doesn't interfere with the motion of the front leg. This saddle looks to need to be moved back at least a couple of inches.

Hope this helps.