Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > epm


21 9:49:23

i have a 12 yr gelding barrel horse who has epm and has since june he was in icu for 8 weeks and treated for 90 days now he looks terrible he has lost so much weight and has not regained his balance and our vet has just stated it's in gods hands what can i do to bring him back ? what would be best feed to add weight any suggestions on this matter would be greatly appreciated he is my 8 yr old nieces barrel horse and she is devasted and we have invested so much to lose him now

Dear Tammy,
          EPM is a horrible inflicment on a horse, there is weight building feed out there, Fleet farm has very good feed for weight gain. But rest, feed and NO RIDING!! for at least 6 months or even a year should help him out alot.
        I know it is hard to consider but it he does not come around within a year he may have to be humanely euthinized, we have had a few horses with terminal illnesses, it is hard to see but if he is pain and suffering it may be the best course.