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Mare in foal I think

21 9:41:55

QUESTION: I had my vet do a pregnancy blood test. It came back negative. However her vulva has extended and her udder is filling up with milk, she has been pushing her butt against the barn. I also saw some creamy liquid coming from her vulva. She was horsing about 2 weeks ago however she was very fat her right side was as hard as a rock and it stuck out more than her left side. Then the next morning it looked like she dropped 50 pounds. Her belly hangs low. I am confused and not sure if I should ride or work her. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

ANSWER: Hi - how long ago was the blood test?

It sounds to me like the mare is pregnant - I would have a vet out asap to do another check - palpation will tell you 100% if she is or not.....(or if it is a false pregnancy, which is a slight chance).

When was the mare exposed/bred?  Do the dates matchup?

If you have been working her, continuing should not hurt, as long as you do't overdo it.  Nice easy workouts will help her stay in shape and be better able to foal out.

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QUESTION: hi!! Thanks for getting back so fast . the test was done about 1 week ago. I just want to make sure I don't hurt her. She was with a stud in the pasture last summer. We just bought her and the old owner can't remeber when in the summer it was. She was beating the stud up so they took her out. So there you go. I hope she is I would love a foal again. Thanks. Rachel

ANSWER: I would still have the vet out again to palpate her.

As for the discharge, you also want to make sure that she doesn't have an infection.

How full is the udder? And has she had babies before?  If you send me an email - to - I think I still have some udder pictures from when my mare was pregnant last year - I documented the development of the udder as she was a maiden.  


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QUESTION: Hey there!! I forgot to tell you that she ahs ahd at least 2 foals that I know of. Both times she foaled out doors and they didn't know she was in foal. The udder was quite hard and has milk coming out when the teat is squeezed. Thanks again. Rachel

Well, it sure sounds like she is in foal!  When you see the teats 'strut' or point, keep an eye out for anything dripping from them, or waxing.  My mare actually had milk streaming from her within 6 hours of foaling.

Good luck and let me know how you make out!