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Step by Step Horse Care

21 10:03:25

I sponsor a rescue horse and have no experience  He is really sweet  he is 9 years old.  I need some structure  like when to bath how to bath...when to clean his feet, what do I do each time I vist a few times a week  I know how to give him treats  not too many  I know.....
I may ride soon but I just enjoy loving hin up and walking him and brushing him....
I need step by step on how to groom  what 1st etc.

sorry I seem long winded

Hi Donna,

If you enjoy just being with the horse that's great.  If you want to go and just see him than grooming, walking and giving him the odd treat is a great idea.  I'm sure he would love to have you just spend time with him.
If you wan to bath him you can but you don't have to...he's a horse, horses are suspose to be dirty!  But if he enjoys having a bath than go ahead, but most horses don't like it and if he dosn't like water than why make him do something he dosn't enjoy?
Anyways if he does like water than the way to do it is to wait for a nice warm day and than get a hose and get him wet everywhere (avoiding the face and ears), than get a sponge and bucket and put some shampoo in the bucket (if you don't have horse shampoo feel free to use ppl, the horse won't mind!)  Than you sponge him off everywhere and than rinse him clean with the hose and voila, you have a clean horse!

For grooming there are different brushes that can be used, a simple body brush can be used all over him, just be gentle on the legs and face.  Or you could buy a shedding one that helps get the winter coat can pick his feet with a hoof pick everytime you go to make sure that no stones get stuck in his hoofs...I suggest that you get someone to show you if you don't know how...but I can tell you, you run your hand down his leg to show him that your there, you can also feel for any new cuts he may have aquired, and then when you reach near the bottom gently pull and ask him to pick it up (he's 9 so I assume he knows how to do it, if he down't I wouldn't do it, you may get hurt) when he picks it up hold it there with one hand and begin cleaning it with the hoof pick.  

Also when your there, you could have some fun by teaching him tricks like how to hug or say yes and no...if you wan to learn how to teach these than just write me back and let me know and I will tell you!

Good Luck
Echo Savage