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21 9:31:05

Hi, I have a 5 yr TB mare, She has developed a bump on her left hand side along her jaw bone. It is below the gum line, which I thought it could be a abcess tooth, but it was hard but now your able to move it arround alittle bit, I had her on 1 gram of brute a day but the vet told me to wean her off of it so I have. It seems since she is off of the brute it is more senitive but hasnt gotten bigger. It doesnt effect her eating habits. What could it be?

Dear Stefany,
It would be irresponsible of me to conjecture a guess especially without photographs. It isn't quite clear from your description exactly where this lump is located- on the branch of the jaw, inside the mouth? The fact that it moves would seem to rule out a tooth bump which would be pretty common for a horse her age but unlikely to cause pain.
I would have it looked at by your vet- and if he or she was uncertain. if she were my horse, I would have it biopsied.
S. Evans