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2yr old quarter horse training

21 9:52:40

Four months ago I bought a 2yr old quarter horse gelding from a stable where he was bred with their mare and stallion. I board him at this stable as I do not have a stable.
I have been riding him at a walk/trot usually after the trainer has ridden him. I felt he was doing very well.
The trainer who has some rough tactics that I have seen has recently been working my horse with spurs. Since the spurs he has been trying to buck the trainer. When I am on him he hesitates to go forward. I have to really work with him to move.
Can you offer me any advice on this problem?
Thank you in advance.

hello Pat,
ahh a rough trainert huh. well unless the horse purposly disobeys there is no reason to be rough. the spurs are usually to teach the horse to be softer on the sides with leg pressure but obveously this trainer is to self centered to realized that. is it a male??? well if it is then switch trainers or do it with a friend but never alone. do more ground work with the horse first. put pressure on his side as to wear your leg will be and the other hand on his neck. push him slightly then harder until his front legs cross over. as soon as they do that, stop and praise him. do it from boths sides. as he learns it use little and little pressure and thats they way to teach them to be soft on the far as the going forward part, ground drive him more. the first thing no forward movement leads to is me lol. if hes hesitant to go forward give him a slight smack on the rump with a buggy whip but dont do it hard. at the same time kiss. over time when you kiss he will go forward with out the tap. once your back in the saddle without spurs practice the same things. little pressure on the sides of the horse and a nice kiss when you start off. if he is still reluctant, carry a dressage whip with you and if he doesnt go forward give him a slight tap and kiss. do alot of circleing snd figure eights. with time he will get the idea and be soft on his sides. now hes only two so you can expect to much from him. after about 5 minutes his brain turns off and he looses interest. never work him for too long. especially in the round pen. you will just get frustrated and you never want to stop on a bad note. if hes good let that be the lesson. any other problems or questions just send me a message. I can help you finish him all the way. have fun and be safe!!
Amanda Groff