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Bugs in my geldings mane.

21 9:20:24


This is a recent pictu
Hi there

I live in Cape Town, South Africa, I recently bought a Thoroughbred gelding off the track, I turned him out for 6 months to let him down and detox, and have recently started riding him. Yesterday after my ride I decided to bath him as it is Spring in South Africa right now and the weather was good. I noticed that he has whatlook like little brown weevils, or bugs in the base of his mane and they seem to be laying eggs, I have notice that he has been scratching his backend on the fence posts, when I checked his tail he has large pieces of dandruff and yellow goo or sebum at the very tip of his tail. I washed him with a general horse shampoo but I don't think it is strong enough to eliminate the bugs, he hasn't been scratching his mane at all and there are no bugs in his tail. Could you recommend a shampoo or some remedy? He is very shiny and healthy otherwise, they don't seem to be affecting his overall health but I don't think it is good to just let it go. My other horse shares a paddock with my gelding and she has no bugs in her mane. But when he came they were not in evidence, I am very confused as I have never seen this before and would like to eliminate the parasites for my gelding's comfort. I have had 13 years of experience with horses and have owned 6 in those 13 years but I have never seen bugs in the mane before and we have always stabled our horses in the same field and stableyard. Any information would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi Zuzara!  

I love the picture you included with your question ... your new horse does look really healthy and happy.  These bugs are a new one for me as well.  I'd freak out if I found something like that on my TB!!  It's common for bay horses to have super thick manes and I see your horse is no exception.  With hair this thick and dense, it really sets up a nice dark and moist environment for bugs and fungus so if it was my horse, I would fight this with extreme hygiene.

Start with a thorough wash with liquid Ivory soap or some other anti-microbial dish soap ... really get your fingers all the way to the skin and scrub as hard as he'll let you.  Rinse it really well and then wash it again!  Next, I would mix up a spray bottle with equal portions of water, baby oil and Listerine mouth wash - shake it up really good and then spray it liberally on the roots of the mane (both on top and underneath) and then spray to soak the entire tail bone.  It may burn where the yellow discharge is on the tail so be careful around this area 9and be sure you get it really clean) and treat that spot with a good topical veterinary ointment that you probably already have in your tack room.

Then going forward, retreat the base of the mane and tail with the Listerine spray everyday for at least a couple of weeks or until you see that it looks normal again.  The oil in this mixture will trap dust so you'll have to deal with that until this gets cleared up

I hope that helps Zuzara :)