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How much should I spend on this horse??

21 9:46:45


I'm sure you get asked this question a lot. I have been leasing a 10 year old mare Quarter Horse for about a year, and the owner is asking $2,000 for her, which I think is far to much.
 She comes from a decent bloodline, and has won a jacket for Western Pleasure. However, the owner was afraid to work with her, and abandoned her in a stall for three years, untill I found out about her.
 When I first started leasing her she was known as the "nasty" horse on the ranch. She was at least 100 pounds underweight. And her hooves were damaged from being in a stall for so long.
 She rears when you saddle her, doesn't switch smoothly into leads(infact it takes a lot of effort to get her to switch from a trot to a canter.) She's pretty much all around a very difficult horse to work with.
 I've now gotten her to the point where she respects me, and listens to me, and I've built her up a lot so she looks great. I love her and I want to buy her, but I don't think that $2,000 is a price to pay for a horse of her skill level. I was wondering if you had an idea of the price that she should be worth. The most I believe she's worth is $1,000.

Thanks so much for your time!!

hi julia, well it would depend on what state you live in. here in california horses are alittle more expensive so i would price her at about a 1500 dollar horse. but with her difficulties and behavior i would say dont pay anything over $1500. maybe less for wherever you live and how the horse is there.good luck
amanda groff