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miniature ponies

21 9:47:05

i want to start buying miniature poinies as 2-3years olds and train them to  sell as kids ponies. do you have any tips about how to train them?

hi kate,
well its pretty hard to train a mini for children because they are so small. you cant really give them the miles of riding they need. my best advice it to find a young kid that knows how to ride and that is confident to help with backing them. other then that you should train them just like a horse. start with lounging, ground driving, getting them used to a saddle, then getting on them. since its a mini its not a long fall so a young child is a good choice. i would put a child over 60 pounds though. it would be to much strain on their legs. but also to put a child so young as to what they dont know what is going to happen or be able to stay on as well. a kid about7-8 years old would be good. and a boy would be good too, they usually arnt as scared. good luck with your business.
amanda groff