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Showmanship Tips

21 10:07:45

Well I probably needs tips mostly on how I should handle the pony. The pony has never show in a halter class before and since I have so little time I will probably not be able to train him properly to stand square/backup/etc. But if you have any pointers on how I can get him to behave himself a little more, he can be very spooky at times, I would appreciate it. That is probably all I need, I am set with the grooming, but I just have no clue how I am supposta conduct myself in the show ring, what to do, what not to do, that sort of thing. Just the basics so that I don't make a complete fool of myself! =)

Followup To
Question -
I am showing a Welsh Pony/QH cross in a Welsh Pony and Cob show in a few weeks. I am compeating him in a showmanship class. I have never done that sort of thing before, so do you have any tips on how I can best handle and show my pony? Thanks.
Answer -
WOW congratulations!  The bad news is, to try to coach you on showmanship would require more space for an answer than I am allowed, maybe you can help me narrow this down a bit?  Do you need help on how to maneuver yourself when handling the pony, do you need pointers on how to "halter" show or conformation show the pony, or do you need grooming tips? Or anything else? If you could give me some specific areas I could help you more, wish I could be there with you actually..well write me back and we shall see what we can do?

Well as far as the spookiness goes, Poise and calm on your part will do a world of good.  By that I mean when he misbehaves, remain almost aloof, bring him back to position and smile at the judge when you are ready, never let them see you sweat so to speak!  The basics of maneuvering: you know you lead on the left and this is where you stay when changing hands, and setting him up or backing, well it doesnt end there.  When the judge lets say is inspecting your pony, when they are in front you remain on the left, BUT when they start the walk around, you wait until they are even with his heart girth, and then cross over in front of him to be on the same side as the judge.  When they are behind the pony, as soon as they cross the center of his tail area, you cross back to the left, and again when they reach the heartgirth you cross to the right, and when they are back in front, again you move to the left in the original position with your toes pointed at his shoulder point.  NOW when you have that down lol, we move to other areas.  Forgive me if I cover areas you are familiar with, but your level of knowledge is unknown to me, and I do not wish to offend you. When you are holding the lead with your right hand, it stays in the right hand UNLESS you are doing the following: backing, setting up, a left forehand turn, rt side pass, or a lft haunch turn.  when the manuever is complete zip it goes back to the rt hand.  For show, if your pony is set up as well as you can get him, and he is standing still make sure you stand clear of him, I mean almost at arms length at the point where if you turn, you have enough room to walk in front of him, or down his side without bumping him. these are the basics and will do you wonders.  The only thing and it might sound a bit odd and unrelated, that would help him move with you when you walk as well as respond MUCH better to your unspoken commands on the ground, would be to round pen him a few times before the event.  Imean take him out, off the lounge line,and ask him to move out in the ring away from you.  Ask him to change directions repeatedly UNTIL when he turns, he turns towards you not away, have him do this many times. Have him vary his speed with the intesity of your movements, I mean by moving towards him and slightly behind him to "Drive " him.  Then after a bit lower the lunge whip or whatever you are using, if he stops and turns towards you this is VERY good, he may even come TO you and this is the desired result. When he DOES that, you can actually turn as if you are leading him, walking ear to ear with him, and he will follow you without a halter, even turning away and towards you without lead....give it a go if you have access, if not dont worry!  Have fun, smile! and enjoy the experience, I am sure it will not be your last, and there is always more time before the next event to work even more!  GOOD LUCK and in the future if you have any further concerns or questions please write to me!